Sunday, December 6, 2015


After getting all the sheathing done on the last front section yesterday, the plan today was to tackle the underlayment and get it all waterproofed.

However, Mother Nature had a different plan for us!  We woke up to a frozen, foggy world but the forecast was for the sun to come out about 11:00.  So we went to church in the morning and Jim headed out to get things set up.

But the sun never really came out - this was Angel at noon today! 

Jim got the drip edge on the front section but the sheathing was damp and we certainly couldn't put ice guard membrane down.

So we switched gears.  We decided to set up scaffolding in the back of the building to reach our last remaining section of roof structure that needs to be sheathed.

Since we are using the majority of our scaffolding in the front of the building, Jim really had to try and cobble together a tower, borrowing some pieces and parts from the front.

Once we got the tower built, Jim first put the bottom connections on the edge angle to straight up the rafter ends.

Then we started sheathing this section!  The bottom piece has to have a notch cut in for the roof extension over the back.

Fastening down the first piece of sheathing...

We used up all our sheathing on the deck, so Jim went down and brought up the 4 pieces we will need to sheath this section.

Cutting the sheathing...

This was Angel at about 3:00.  Since the sun never really appeared, the temperatures dropped quickly and it got dark much faster too!

We kept working...Jim fastening down the next piece.

Jim fastens down the last piece of sheathing for the day.  We have two more pieces of sheathing cut and marked, ready to go for tomorrow. 

The end-of-the-day view seen through all the fog!

While it wasn't the day that was planned, we adjusted and are thrilled with the progress for today considering the weather conditions.
High 38/Low 23 - foggy!

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