Saturday, December 26, 2015


It was back to working on the wall this morning - first step is strapping.  Again, this was the initial plywood sheathing so it's good to get it all fastened down to the wall completely.

We measured for the first piece of sheathing - it was 86-1/4" which was the exact measurement on the other side!  Pretty amazing for everything to be that precisely perfect!

Another challenging piece to get outside.  First out between the studs...

...and then Jim has to grab and maneuver it while standing on the planks.

But it's in place!

Jim cut as much of the window out with his portable saw as possible but then had a little section to finish off with the Sawzall.  Jim doesn't really like to use this more brute force method because the saw blade moving in and out has the possibility of removing the galvanization on the steel.

The bottom part of the window is out. 

Putting the track on the inside of the window frame so that he can fasten the sheathing around the window.

Putting in the last piece on this course...

Then time for strapping on all the new pieces of sheathing.

Another very challenging piece of sheathing to get outside.  The only way it would fit was for Jim to stand it up on the end...

...and drag it out that way.

Then he has to flip the entire piece over on its side to put it in place.  Whew. 

After the sheathing was fastened down, time to use the saw and cut the top half of the window. 

Finishing the cut with the Sawzall - this is our last window opening in the apartment!

The last piece on this course - another little triangle that Jim could use 3 hands to help hold in place while he fastens it.

An outside look at Jim putting all the screws in this piece.  This side of the wall was more difficult - for many of the pieces, Jim had to use his left hand.  Between that and being up on the extension ladder, it was really tough to get good leverage.

Wow - really getting closed in now!  Just a few more pieces - we wished we had more time to get it finished!

Couple end-of-the-day shots.  From the front...

...and from the back.

We stopped a few minutes before sunset to do a few odds and ends.  We taped up the new window opening because it's supposed to rain tomorrow.
Then Jim got back up on the roof and put some more tape on the temporary ridge pieces of underlayment to try and keep any little drips at bay.
High 43/Low 36


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