Thursday, December 31, 2015


Hard to believe it's the last day of 2015!  But looking back, we certainly have come a long way this year!  In contrast, here's what the carriage house looked like last December...just the steel deck was on!

I had to head out for some errands this morning; Jim headed out to look at door parts and pieces.  These doors look amazing - commercial steel fire doors - but they came with no instructions on how everything goes together.  And there were lots of weird little pieces!  So Jim basically reverse engineered them to see how to put them together.  He basically figured out what he needs to do to get started - here's a picture of the door jamb. 

After lunch, we put up more sheathing - always exciting!  Since Jim wants to get the double door on the shop entrance, keeping water out of that wall is a must.  We put up a half sheet on one side of the door entrance - Jim could work off the existing scaffolding over the stairwell.

But then we had to dismantle and reassemble scaffolding to do the other side of the door - didn't help that things were kind of buried in snow.

Jim doesn't like me to go up and down the ladder when it's all snowy, so most of these pictures are taken from inside!  We put a piece of sheathing on the other side of the door...

...and then put a full sheet next.

In order for Jim to finish fastening that piece down, he had to rearrange some of the front scaffolding platforms to be able to bridge from one tower to the other. 

Because of the cross braces on the front scaffolding, once he got two pieces of planking between the towers, there was a gap between the two planks.  So he put a piece of plywood on top so he could stand.

Then he was able to finish fastening as well as put the last little triangle on the end.

Again, just to try and keep water away from the door area, he put some flashing between the two pieces of sheathing.

End-of-the-day - a great start on this wall!

High 38/Low 27

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