Friday, October 5, 2018


We woke up this morning to clear skies - it's been beautifully foggy lately in the mornings but it was nice to see some sunshine!

With cold weather on the horizon, getting blinds on the windows for insulation is becoming important.  I've been gathering color samples and Jim and I spent time this morning making final decisions.  I'm really excited about our choices.  We are going to get double-cell cellular shades again - we really liked the ones we got in Ohio and were so impressed with their insulating qualities.  Jim double checked all the measurements and put together a spreadsheet of all the window sizes.  Then I sent it off for a quote so we'll see what we get back.

Speaking of quotes, Jim is still waiting for his quotes on siding and roofing material.  And still dealing with gas companies and Bobcat issues.  Whew!

Once he was able to focus on building, he first spent some time making steel clips and hurricane clips. Jim will get a picture tomorrow from on top that shows the clips.  But these clips will keep all the lateral and potential strong wind forces from causing any issues with the structure.

Jim got the other outside roof joist put on.  These outside ones are really difficult and take a long time for Jim to do by himself.

All of the roof joists are now in place and Jim is putting the temporary tie on to keep them stable.

That means it's time to move on to the next job - putting sheathing down!  For this job, Jim needed the forks on the Bobcat so he had to take the snowblower off.  The Bobcat is driving into the pole barn for the first of many, many times!  He offloaded the snowblower in the corner of the barn for now.

Next he brought the Bobcat over to our wood piles...

And we loaded up four pieces of sheathing to start.

Lifting up the sheathing...

Once he had the sheathing in a good spot against the barn, he climbed up and started taking them off.  Not easy standing on the sides of wood when each piece of sheathing is heavy!

Dragging them off...

For the last piece, he was able to stand on the other pieces to make it easier.

Jim had already marked the location of the sheathing on the joists when they were on the ground so he was able to start putting the sheathing in place.  He's just doing the outsides for now - he'll go back and put all the screws in later.

 End-of-the-day - 4 pieces are in place!

High 56/Low 38

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