Friday, October 12, 2018


The weather definitely took a fall turn today back into the 50s with lows expected to get down into the 30s.  Plus there was a breeze out today so it felt even colder.

Jim continues to have a lot of project management work to do.  His quotes for the siding and roof shingles finally came in and the roofing company was the winner, so Jim ordered the roof shingles.  There is still one question his rep didn't answer on the siding so hopefully Jim can get that ordered Monday.

Jim started the morning out by crawling through the attic to work on the bathroom vent.  He's been waiting for pieces and they finally came.  This was complicated to make this Y connection fit in between an already established run.  Jim had previously cut this section out but now he had to make it fit.  The new pieces worked really well, even though he had to take one apart in order to be able to get everything to fit.

A view of the run now...  Unfortunately, the reducer that Jim bought so that he can use the PVC pipe doesn't fit so he'll have to find another one and get that ordered before this job can be finished.

The first building job was to get the end rafters in place.  Jim first put up a piece of angle to hold up the end since it doesn't rest on top of the header like the other rafters do.

Then he was able to put it up into place and get it clamped.

After that, he was able to get everything in place and get it fastened down.

With the end rafters done, Jim's next task was to start building the end wall pieces.

Once those were in place, Jim wanted to put a connection from the wall piece down to the deck.

Putting the other side into place...

The building is looking great!

Next Jim made blocking pieces to go between the end rafter and its neighbor.  Okay, folks, don't try this at home!  Jim is up on a ladder on the scaffolding using a chain saw to cut off the ends of the wall pieces even with the rafters!

Since that side is done for now, time to make preparations to work on the other side.  Unfortunately, right where Jim wanted the scaffolding to go was in the middle of our mound of dirt around the outdoor hydrant.  So he had to make some adjustments and still had to flatten out a section of ground for things to fit.

Building up the scaffolding...

End-of-the-day - great progress and the scaffolding is ready to go for tomorrow.

 Since Jim was up in the house attic, I had him bring down my boxes of Halloween decorations.  I didn't do any decorating at the apartment but it's definitely fun to decorate our new home!  I put the Halloween tree in the stairwell...

As we were cleaning up for the day, the sun hit a perfect angle as it was setting and set the trees aglow - it was beautiful against the dark clouds.

High 56/Low 39

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