Sunday, October 21, 2018


It's so wonderful to look out our windows and see the roof of the pole barn all protected. 

That means it's time to start another project!  Jim wants to get the site ready for the underground tank so that project can move along.  So today he marked out where he needs to trench for the gas line at the back of the house over to the new tank location...

Next he marked out the general area and size of the tank.   It has to be approximately 20 feet in length, 5 feet in width and 5 feet deep - that's a big hole! 

Starting to dig the trench.  This is as close as Jim wants to get to the existing tanks which means that the remaining area to the actual gas line will have to be dug by hand.

The trench has to be 18" deep.

Making good progress!

Trench is all done and starting to dig the hole!

Taking a measurement...

It's back to rock duty.  As Jim is digging the dirt, I am trying to get out all the big rocks.  Well...Jim does the really big rocks!  We have to be careful back filling around the tank once it's in place - definitely don't want any rocks to puncture anything even though the tank has a special coating and is certainly made to go underground. 

Continuing to dig...

We just got our giant dirt pile cleaned up and another one is started!  This one will be temporary though - we'll use the rocks to continue our drainage area on the back of the auto bay and whatever dirt doesn't go back in this hole will be used to go around the pole barn.

End-of-the-day picture - over halfway there!

A lot accomplished on a short day - we're off to church now!
High 42/Low 24

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