Saturday, August 25, 2018


Jim spent a little time this morning cleaning up all the wires for the TV.  It's wonderful that he planned all this out so we can hide everything.  He just has to do the HDMI cable and the cable for the BluRay player - both of those will go through the opening at the bottom of the wall behind the cabinet and out the opening behind the mount.

Looking good!

The rest of the morning, Jim spent working on the dryer.  Our kit to switch where the vent comes out came yesterday.  Figuring out how things work before starting...

He had to knock out the hole on the side of the dryer to bring the vent out there...

Checking to see how the vent will fit...

A lot of this work had to be done inside the dryer - Jim had to tape connections without being able to see what he was doing!

The expensive kit we had to buy for this came with a cover for the original vent hole - guess that made it worth it - ha!

It would have been much easier for Jim to cut the pipe in the shop but he wasn't exactly sure where it would end up when he moved the dryer back and it had to be put through from the back.  So he had to resort to doing it the old-fashioned way and used a saw.

All done - at least for now.  Jim wasn't real happy with the selection of hose that Lowe's had for the steam function of the dryer and found one he liked better at Supply House, so he'll order that and will make final modifications later.  But they worked so nice - and I put them to a good test today because our laundry was pretty well backed up!

Jim spent a little more time rearranging all of our box area and was able to get his desk credenza out of the main pathway.

To help with that, Jim is continuing work on the second set of steel shelves for the metal shop - cutting a stud...

He has the vertical frames all made and just has to make the horizontal pieces.

 I went through the first carload of books that we brought back from the book storage unit.  I'm trying hard to weed through them so I have two big boxes to take to the library.  As I sorted them, Jim started stacking them on the shelves.

After all the apartment duties today, he finally got to do some woodworking.  He's getting wood ready to make our bedroom door frame.

It's funny - both Jim and I have said that the carriage house has taken on a different personality when we look at it now.  Instead of being the place that we come to work, it's our home! 

High 79/Low 55 - beautiful!

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