Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Jim was so happy that he found all the table saw pieces yesterday in the shed; however, he realized that he was missing a crucial piece - the bracket that was used to attach the guard to the saw.  Jim trekked back up to the shed and went through everything to no avail.  He said it kept haunting him about where it could be, even when he was trying to work on something else.  He figured he would have to call the potential buyer back and say it was missing and that he would take some money off so he could order the part.  But Jim's mind kept working and he actually found the bracket in one of his cabinets!  It's mind boggling how many cabinets, boxes, parts and pieces Jim has in the shops and to think he could locate this random piece.
To stay on subject, the guy and his wife came around 4:00 to look at the saw.  They were very nice and stayed around close to an hour chatting.  They bought it so all that trouble was worth it, even though it has been kind of a time sink for the last couple of days!
Jim worked on the urinal this morning and - ta da! - all the connections worked and the urinal is on the wall!  Jim even put some water down to make sure there were no leaks after the plumbing surgery and all seems well.  Even though he wasn't expecting to have to work on all this, his solution required the least time and effort - definitely better than ripping apart all the plumbing which he thought he may have to do.

Jim continued working on the furnace plumbing too - he now has the supply line figured out and mostly soldered in place.  He needs to get another big piece of copper plumbing to make the last connection.  You can see how he had to step out the straight run in order to fit in the supply connection to the manifold.

In the afternoon, Jim got back to putting the skim coat on the walls.  He first started in the second bedroom closet to finish that up...

Then we moved into the kitchen...

Finishing up the nook area...

And onto the outside kitchen wall.  Jim got most of this wall done before we had to stop and clean up tools before the saw transaction.

Jim worked on a few loose ends after I left - he had a couple of plastering spots he wanted to touch up.  Then he got holes drilled in the support bracket he made for the return manifold on the furnace - it is ready for attachment to the super strut now.

Today almost felt like a spring day - the sun was out and it got to the mid-50s.  However, the weather forecast is for a nor'easter coming in - we are supposed to get 6-10" of snow on Friday!
High 56/Low 33

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