Sunday, February 18, 2018


We did end up getting 2-3" of new snow last night.  Unfortunately, it didn't make Jim's trek up the driveway any easier.  You can see from these tracks how it went - he was able to get up so far and then he just started sliding.  The rear end of the 4Runner ended up in the snow bank and was stuck there with the car parallel to the driveway.  But he was able to turn the wheels all the way to one side, put it in reverse, and let gravity and the ice take over to turn him around so he was facing down the driveway.  He went down, got a faster start up, and was able to make it up the driveway.  I would have been a wreck but he just takes it in stride.  He made it down by hugging one side of the driveway where there's snow.  We've got a wild weather week again so it's going to continue to be interesting!
This was a short day because we are heading to church this evening, so Jim did some prep work for the furnace.  He wanted to make a bracket to help support some of the copper piping to alleviate any stress on the furnace.  He got pieces cut from angle and all ready to weld.  He needs to get new batteries for his welding helmet and then he can get this finished up.

Then he spent the rest of the afternoon in the master bedroom.    The closet is all done as well as the second coat on the screws.  He's working on the corners now - looking amazing!

High 38/Low 19

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