Monday, November 16, 2015


Today was another beautiful day - oh, if it could only stay like this for a couple more months!  But we'll gladly take each of these as a blessing right now!

Jim started working on the outside dormer wall.  He had to design a way to make all this work - he used studs that he cut on an angle and then cut the channel part out - you can see it in the pictures below...

The side view...  Then this flat part goes on the outside of the rafter. 

Jim was very happy with the way it turned out.  This way, the studs get attached to the rafters and then the sheathing gets attached on the outside.

After the first couple studs were in place, Jim went back to work on the roof sheathing.  He needed to leave space to get the sheathing through the wall opening.  First, he finished fastening down the last piece he put up last night.

Cutting the last piece on the main rafters...

...and getting it in place and fastened down.

Sliding the last piece up the roof and onto the dormer roof.  This piece fit perfectly - it had to mate up with the main rafter roof and Jim was wondering how it would work out.

All of the roof sheathing is done on this part of the roof!

Back to making the wall - Jim used his plumb bob to get everything straight.

Of course, he had to work outside on the roof to fasten the tops of each stud to the rafter.

Jim used his level to make sure everything was straight.

Last one!

Now to sheath the outside - another challenge!

After mulling over a couple options, Jim decided to continue with the same method we used on the other walls.  So the plywood went on its side...

...and then strapping on top.

Bringing more plywood up onto the deck...

Cutting the next piece...

Now it's really tricky to get sheathing out.  Jim managed to manipulate this piece enough to get it out through the wall studs.

He makes it look easy, but he's standing on toe boards on this steep-pitched roof trying to maneuver this sheet of plywood through the wall!

Putting it into place...

...getting it fastened down. 

Jim joked today that after working on this roof so high up in the air that the house will be a ranch with a flat roof! least I think he was joking!
High 56/Low 21

1 comment:

  1. It’s coming along so well. Looks like everyone is working hard to get this house finished and it seems to be moving along at a great pace. I’ll bet you are so excited and can’t wait to see the finished product. LOL at the flat roof. Haha! I think he might have been joking too, but maybe at the time, he wasn’t in a jokey mood. LOL.

    Catherine Burns @ Easton Roofing LLC
