Sunday, November 1, 2015


Today was the end of Daylight Savings Time.  Usually Jim and I love this time of the year when it gets dark earlier, but not so much this year! 

It was a little drizzly this morning but that worked okay with our moving plans.  We met our neighbor at our storage unit at 9:00 and he helped Jim move the pool table into the truck.  All of that went really well and it sounds like he could be a resource if Jim needs another man's help.  We swept out the storage unit and are so glad to be done with paying rental fees!  Plus Jim is just thrilled to have almost all of his things on site now.  

Once Jim got out to the site, he made the last valley rafter for the main section.

Then he finished installing the longer specialty screws he got to make sure the clip angles are securely fastened down to the deck and into the truss assembly.

Before we could put up the rafter, we had to move scaffolding.  Once again, the shoring post for the ridge beam was in the way.  So Jim took down the brace...

...and reattached it to one of the dormer rafters.

Then we were able to move the scaffolding over and get ready for the last rafter.  Here is Jim bringing it up onto the deck...

...and attaching it to the top.

The rafters are done for the main section!

Time to start working on the other ridge beam for the front dormer.  Jim first took some measurements...

Next he started working on the mounting plate for the beam.  Because it will connect where the two valley rafters meet, he ordered a heavy gauge steel plate with two side channels.  However, he had to bend the channels to be the right angles to fit on the valley rafters.  Unfortunately, he had to do this the brute force way and hammer the sides to get them to fit.

Trying it out for size...

When he was happy with the fit, he clamped it in place and took a quick reading to see how level it was.  It was dead on - just amazing considering all the different angles, intersections, and forces come into play just in this one spot!

Then Jim screwed the plate to the rafters - definitely a Mad Max look!

Another measurement for the ridge beam...

Since this beam isn't as long as the first one, Jim is building it on the ground and then we will put it into place.  He got the pieces cut to size and brought up onto the deck.

Marked all the screw positions...

...and then got busy fastening it all together on both sides.

Last step was to make the clip angles that will attach to the mounting plate. 

What a view...while Jim was up working, he took a view of the horizon looking down the rafters.  Now that a lot of the leaves are off the trees, you can really see the mountains.  Beautiful!

We had to cut the day a little short because we went to church this evening but still a productive day - and we're happy to be out of the storage unit too!
High 55/Low 41

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