Friday, May 29, 2015


Jim headed to the land very early this morning in order to get the truck warmed up and head to his inspection appointment.  But it was all worth it - it passed!  That's a huge relief - if it didn't, Jim would have to figure out how to fix whatever was wrong - not easy when there's no place to work and no real tools.  So that's a big check mark done.

He then put up the posts he picked up at the barn last can see they are on concrete blocks and then they are screwed up to the beam.

This is a terrible picture, but it brought a smile to our faces.  When Jim was down at the barn, he found the Craftsman clock the kids bought him years and years ago.  It's hung in every workshop ever since so it's only fitting that it has a place of honor in the carriage house.

Jim spent time doing administrative work today while he was at the land - back to looking for supplies for next steps.  One important one is getting the concrete sealer.  You would think that the price the contractor gave would include sealing the concrete but no, that's apparently our job.  So Jim was making calls and trying to find what he wanted - and then drove to go look at one and purchase it.  He's going to talk to the contractor Monday and see if there's a specific kind he has had good luck with, but at least we have some on hand now.  Plus he spent awhile on the phone to the engineer at the concrete plant discussing exactly the size stone and mixture he wants for the concrete pour.

We did more backfilling today.  Jim spent awhile doing some grading in the front and then we moved around to the side corner.  It's really getting filled in.

Jim had to improvise cutting down a couple of limbs that were in the way - standing in the bucket of the Bobcat!

A couple of shots at the end of the day...

Our dirt piles are gone except for the ones we'll use to fill in the back!

High 81/Low 61

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