Saturday, May 16, 2015


Whew....another great day but another day of tired bones (and blistered fingers)! 

Jim started the day by moving all of the extra pieces of wire from the deck up to our storage area near the shed.  Then he got busy cutting the 5/8" rebar to put over the beams.  This helps to resist the bending forces over the beams.

Here Jim is placing the rebar on top of the wire across the beams.

The first beam is all done...

Finishing up the second beam...

Each piece of rebar had to be wire tied to the wire underneath to keep everything in place.

Because of the way the conduit had to be placed over the stairwell, there wasn't enough room to put the pieces of rebar on top of the wire over that beam.  So Jim had to get very creative.  He decided to bend two of the pieces of rebar so that they would dip down and go around the conduit.  It was a puzzle to figure out how to bend it just right.

It took multiple bends but you can see the nice dip down the rebar has now!

Then these pieces were tied to the underside of the wire...and see how they dip down and around the conduit!  Puzzle solved!

A good view of the complicated stairwell Pex layout.

Meanwhile, while Jim was doing that, I was using the snippers to cut each "tail" off of every cable tie on the deck.  That job gave me a few blisters on my fingers!

We felt great about the progress on the deck.  We decided to use our remaining time to work on the infiltrators.  The septic designer requires building paper to be put over the top of the infiltrators to help keep them from clogging.  It was basically like putting a big roll of construction paper over them!  Not sure how much good it will really do - and the infiltrator installation instructions don't call for it - but we're doing what we were told.

Once the paper was rolled out, Jim shoveled a little dirt on the end to hold the paper in place.

Then he molded the paper around the infiltrators (which required doing the splits over the trench!)

The paper is all in place.

Now it was time to backfill....not an easy thing to do over paper!  So Jim had to take a scoop of dirt, back drag it, I picked out the rocks, and then he carefully and as gently as possible put the dirt on top.

Grading it out as we go down the line...

More scoops....

...and more grading!

The first line is all done!!

High 77/Low 56

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