Sunday, May 30, 2021


Jim did some more design work on the baseboard moulding today - it's made more complicated because of the steel stud wall framing - he can't easily attach moulding to that.  So he's going to put a plywood piece in place first - he'll be able to fasten that to the framing with screws.

He cut a groove in the back of the cap moulding so that it fits over the plywood as such...

It will then sit on the moulding - this is a side view so all three pieces are shown how they will fit together.  He made a bead on the main moulding or just rounded it over for us to decide - we think we like the rounded over look...

Then Jim turned his attention to installing the dishwasher.  He had to drill a hole in the side of the cabinet to bring the water line through...

Both electric and water lines are in the dishwasher space now...

Then he had to bring them out through the front of the dishwasher...

Jim was smart and had placed wood underneath the Corian countertop for stability but also so he could screw into the wood when fitting it into place...

The armor cable was longer than Jim wanted it so he had to carefully cut off the metal part until he got it to the length he wanted...

Wiring it into the dishwasher...

He thought he had a connector that would work for the water line but he didn't; he'll get that ordered and then it will be ready to go!

High 48/Low 44 - rainy

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