Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Today was the warmest it will be for at least a week and a half - scary temperatures are on their way.  It's so cold that Jim doesn't like to have the cars out unless necessary, so he came home and picked me up after lunch and I spent the rest of the day with him.  Which means - lots more pictures!
I got to see first hand all the work Jim has been doing - the drywall outside the bathroom looks awesome.  And the saw blade clock has a new home!

The side wall of the bathroom is all done now too - this is where Jim really had to work to make sure things came out okay with the breaker box.  That's not even accounting for all the trusses, conduit and plumbing he had to go around.  But it all came out great.

The view from outside...

In the utility room, he got a piece of drywall up next to the furnace area.  This is the first piece of drywall that is attached to the insulated concrete forms!

The little piece of drywall next to the doorframe is all done...

Because of the frigid temperatures, Jim made the decision that we needed to get the water out of the line going from the house out to the lawn hydrant.  He shut the pump down and blew air through the line, causing first water and then air to come out the lawn hydrant.  He shut off the valve leading to the lawn hydrant so we will be able to get water from the pump if we need to but it won't go all the way through the system.

Then we went back to installing drywall in the wood shop.  Jim had this piece cut and moved over - he just had to slide it down the wall into place...

Up in place and cutting out the receptacles...

Doing the rest of the screws...

Next piece up...

This is the last big piece on this wall so Jim has a long way to slide it down...

Up and fastening...

The shop really looks amazing - when you walk in, all you see is drywall! 

When we moved up to the apartment to work, I got to see the plastering that Jim had done in the second bedroom - he's got second coats on most of the joints and started doing the screws!

We were at the end of our banjo bucket so I scooped out what was left into the plaster bucket Jim has been using and Jim added more water to make a new banjo bucket.

Then we opened up our 5th bucket of plaster - that's progress!

Jim started taping the wall/ceiling joint in the master bedroom...

After resetting the ladder/scaffold, Jim did the small ceiling joint close to the wall...

Then was able to resume taping the wall/ceiling joint...

After he got that done, he moved to the last corner joint...

The only taping left in the master bedroom is the tapered wall/ceiling joint on this wall!  But it was 6:00 and Jim had to make sure all the heaters were full and we closed up for the night.

High 18/Low 0 - cold wave starts

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