Saturday, December 16, 2017


This was the top piece of drywall that Jim put up yesterday in the wood shop - you can see all the challenges just in this little piece!  He had to go around the plumbing, conduit and account for the extra plywood we put under the apartment entry door for more stability.

This morning, Jim focused on figuring out the first steps of the furnace.  He needed to first put up the mounting brackets on the wall.  But there was a lot to figure out before that to make sure everything was in the right place - he had to figure out how he was going to do venting, electricity, where the pumps and water heater would go just for starts!  Then he had to remove the manifold because it might need to go in a slightly different location.  Once he figured out the furnace placement, he had to work on attaching the channel we picked up last week at Lowe's.  The top channel mounted on the plywood - however, Jim had the bolts go through the wall studs.

The bottom channel required Jim to first drill holes in the concrete block...

Then he had to put the concrete anchor in...

He had to cut bolts to fit...

And turn a round washer into a square one!

 Putting it all together...

First step all done!

After that was done, we decided to work on plastering in the apartment.  It had been close to a week since we had done plastering, so Jim needed to spend a little time cleaning out the banjo.

We first started with the tapered joints in the master bedroom closet...

And outside the closet...

Then Jim started taping the wall joints...

Continuing around the room...

Now the ladder is required to reach the top of the wall!  That pile of boxes in the middle of the room is what we've been bringing from the apartment that will go in the attic for now.  Putting this up there is on the agenda for this week hopefully.

Almost to the wall!

Doing the first ceiling joint...

After this joint, Jim decided to do some second coat plastering in the second bedroom before calling it a long day and heading home.

We're supposed to have another frigid overnight with temperatures hovering around zero.  Thanks to all Jim's insulation work, he's been able to still maintain good temperatures in the utility rooms and apartment to prevent any freezing issues.
High 27/Low 1



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