Saturday, September 3, 2016


Jim had gotten quite a bit done on the overhang when I got there this morning - nice big shingles go pretty quickly.  Plus, he's enjoying working off scaffolding instead of hanging off the roof!

Since the shingles all had to be cut, it was time to break out the new shear.  Looks like lots of pieces are involved...


Testing it out on a piece of the Hardi board siding - worked like a charm!

Next, Jim tried it out on a piece of the roof shingle - it worked amazingly!  You can see that it even has a laser to line things up.  When Jim put the roof on, he used his saw for each piece that needed to be cut.  While it worked well, he had to make a jig to get the right angle.  And of course, that changed for different sections so he had to keep changing the jig.  But this is like a giant paper cutter - you just put your piece in how you want it cut and pull down the handle.  No mess like with the saw and perfect cuts.  Jim said it almost made the job too easy - ha!

Working on the hip side...

Working on the next row - each of these pieces has to be cut down.

The last row is half shingles - the shear made this task much easier.

Putting on the last row...

The shingles are all finished for the main overhang section - time to work on the sides.

Of course, the sides require copper flashing - first, Jim made another diverter to keep water away from the building.

Attaching the diverter piece...

Then the next piece of step flashing...

Jim has done all he can on this side without stopping to make more step flashing.

So time to move to the other side.

Last piece in place...

Starting to work on the hip shingles...

Meanwhile, I did a lot of siding shingle work today.  The shingles are wrapped amazingly well with plastic over each two pieces - however, those two pieces are stuck together probably from their painting process.  So they have to be unwrapped and then carefully taken apart.

Some of them have a little moisture on them from sitting outside, so that has to be wiped off.

First pallet all empty!  This pallet holds 2 squares of siding - we ordered 20 squares so we're only 1/10th of the way done! 

This is our stash of shingles awaiting painting.

Two more painting stations loaded up and painted.

End-of-the-day...overhang looks so good!

High 75/Low 49

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