Monday, September 12, 2016


Kyle and Julia had a safe trip back to NYC last night - wish they could have stayed longer but it's always good to be able to spend some time with them!

Today was the last day for a paint rebate at Lowe's, so I headed out this morning to get some more siding paint.  While I was there, I took in a sample of the brick to have it color matched for the garage and entry doors.  Julia and I had picked a color that we liked the best from some samples I had picked up and I wanted to compare to the color match.  The color match came up a shade darker but still in the same color family.  The brick was one of the darker ones so we're convinced that we will choose the color that we originally picked - it doesn't hurt that the name of the paint color is High-Speed Steel.  Very appropriate!

When I got out to the property, Jim had done some grading since we are now finished with the water line and trench work.  It looks so good!  He enjoyed getting to know the new Bobcat a little more.

More grading work around the lawn hydrant.

The back view of the carriage house looks different without those trees now!

After lunch, it was time to get back to siding work.  Jim started by installing the pieces he had cut and painted a few days ago. 

Jim has a good system in place now - he figures out the angles and cuts the roofline pieces.  We have to prime and paint the cut edges.  He then installs the pieces above the step flashing.

Once that is done, he can go back and fill in all the straight pieces.

Then he gets the next angle pieces figured out and cut.

I then prime and later paint the edges.  Then they'll be ready to install tomorrow and he can fill in the straight pieces!

After working on the side wall, it was back to the back wall.  Here Jim is cutting the siding piece to fit around the side of the window trim.

Jim's plan now is to build up to the top of the window.  Then he will be able to finish this section all the way up to the top while the scaffolding is set up here.

Going back and doing the paint touch up...

End-of-the-day progress...

While Jim was working on siding, I did more painting.

Another batch painted...

At the end of the day, Jim did some more grading- I'll be anxious to see it tomorrow!
High 73/Low 47

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