Monday, August 3, 2015


After getting up early for church and then pancakes, we all headed back out to the land, excited to work on the decking again.

Jim and Kyle quickly settled back into their routine and things went very smoothly.  Julia and I marked all the pieces that they brought up on top and then they installed them.

The guys really worked like a well-oiled machine.  After getting a piece into place, they both worked screwing the piece down, Jim measuring along the way to make sure everything was perfect.  Then while Jim was finishing fastening the last row into place, Kyle would jump down and move the scaffolding into place for the next piece.  Next it was cutting back the plastic, Jim would hop down and they would put the glue down, slide the marked piece into place, and it would all begin again.

It was another glorious day - warmer than yesterday but there was low humidity and a nice breeze that really helped.  Julia and I sat on the deck all day watching in between our marking job - we had to be very careful about sunscreen!

Jim using the mallet to get a piece into the perfect position before screwing it down...

These are the moments that cause Julia and I to hold our breaths!  Kyle's unscrewing the wood ties in the middle...

Loading up the last of the first stack of Advantech.  Even this job comes with its challenges.  Since it's on a hill, the wood wants to slide off the Bobcat so they have to go slow and Kyle helps to keep things stable.

Putting down the glue for the next piece...

Jim uses the pipe wrench to make any adjustments necessary to the trusses before fastening the piece to the nailer.

Julia took this picture of our first lunch sitting in the shade from our new deck!

More pieces coming up...

Putting the end of the row down...

Screwing the piece down.  This job was also tough on the guys' knees...constant kneeling on the rough surface took its toll.

Peering up from above...this is the beginning of the last row of full sheets!  For stability purposes, Jim wanted to do the last few rows a little differently...he went diagonally over to this corner and then they filled in the rest of the rows.

An important moment....Kyle's removing the last brace from the inside!  Now the deck is totally stabilizing the steel frame on its own!

Our plans were to knock off early today and head home to shower, eat and go out to watch the new Mission Impossible movie.  However, we were all excited to just finish the deck because we were so close. 

A celebration moment - besides the last row of half sheets....the deck is finished!!!

The deck totally transforms the way the space below looks and feels now.

It truly was an amazing weekend of hard work and dedication to completing the project.  We are so grateful that Kyle and Julia came up and shared it all with us.  We all had fun working and are so thrilled that the deck is basically done!
The plan was to have pulled chicken for dinner before Julia and I went to the site, we put it in the crockpot. When we walked in the door, I asked Julia if the chicken smelled good. She said she really didn't smell anything...uh oh. I investigated and found that the plug was loose in the outlet so it hadn't cooked at all!  Plan B time!  We ordered a super-size pizza and crashed watching a Mission Impossible movie in the living room!  A great weekend!
High 84/Low 54

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