Sunday, August 2, 2015

8.1.2015 - 2nd Story Decking!

Kyle and Julia had bus issues before they even left NYC, so they were a couple hours late getting in last night.  But it was good to see them pull in!

We headed to the land bright and early, excited to show them the progress since they had been here a few weeks ago.

Jim and Kyle checking out the view from the window!

Kyle and Julia with gloves on and ready to start the day!

First, the strategy session, walking through how the first piece of decking will be attached to the trusses and structure.

Loading the Bobcat with Advantech...

Thank goodness for the Bobcat doing the heavy lifting!

The top piece had the tongue and groove edge kind of smashed so Jim decided to use that piece as a staging area so they would have a place to stand and put tools.

Staging area in place and Jim standing on top of the floor!

Pulling up the first real piece!

The first piece is always the trickiest - besides coming up with a plan, the first piece has to be fit very precise so everything else will follow.  Here Kyle is underneath helping to guide it into place as Jim fits it.

Getting it all aligned...

Getting a couple screws to hold it into place.  Even this took some trial and error - the first screws Jim brought up for attaching the edges to the steel didn't work, so the special decking screws he bought ended up being perfect.

Once a couple screws were in, time to make some adjustments.  Here Kyle is actually pushing on one of the trusses to move it over a tad so that it's perfect!  Then it's al screwed into place.

And time for the next piece...

Two pieces in position!

A good team working together...

Another piece lifted on top...

Meanwhile, Julia and I have the job of marking each piece before they put it on top - each piece needs to have chalk lines along the edges and then marked every 6" where they will put screws.  This just makes it easier and more precise for them once they are working.

Starting to look very different from underneath - we have a ceiling...and shade!

Carrying over another piece - these pieces are heavy...probably close to 100 pounds.

They end up standing in precarious positions and on edges of scaffolding to get things in place.

More tandem work...

Julia and I eventually went up on top and did the marking there.  Julia has to use a yoga move to reach this end piece!

First row almost done!

Bringing up more Adventech!

Each row has to be staggered, so that requires cutting of some pieces.

Each piece is also glued to the nailer so everything is really solid.

The second row was pretty fun to watch...just hard to get pictures of the installation process.  Jim and Kyle would stand on scaffolding underneath and then lift the board into place and slide it into the tongue and groove connection.  It really makes for a great fit - we are really happy that we got this product!

This takes a lot of screws for each piece....

The underground crew setting another piece into position...

There was a lot of work underneath all this too - as they moved down the trusses, the plastic covering we put on had to be cut off.  The bracing that Jim put up to hold the trusses into place had to be removed.

Kyle peering up from underneath as Jim works...

Setting it into place...

This was scary...Jim thinks nothing of walking on the edges and tops of trusses to do what needs to be this case removing the staging board.

Julia and I looking down from the new floor in what will eventually be the kitchen area!

It looks amazing from below now too!

At the end of the day, after marking up a few pieces for them to use, Julia and I headed home to shower and work on dinner.  Jim and Kyle stayed to put another piece into place.

What a great day - so exciting to all work together and get this much done on the deck!
High 82/Low 58 - beautiful!


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