Thursday, August 13, 2015


Today was kind of discombobulated but also had some positive moments!  Our plan for the day was mostly to focus on sheathing, so Jim got busy picking up where we had left off yesterday.  Here he's adding the strapping to the back of the sheathing.

After our rainy morning on Tuesday, the inside of the carriage house still had standing water.  Now that some walls are up, there isn't any sunshine hitting inside to help dry it up.  You can't broom it out the sides because the track is at the bottom - and we were working in the side area by the door.  So after trying a few methods, I used a big dustpan and scooped water into a bucket and carried it out to dump it.  And then repeated and repeated. 

We had a little time before lunch so Jim decided to take down some of the scaffolding.  Putting the roof structure over the auto bay is on the agenda soon so the top part of the scaffolding was too high. We moved the pieces around to the back of the building where we will work on sheathing soon.

Just as we were breaking for lunch, Jim got a call that the concrete contractor was on his way out to talk to Jim.  We feel it's better to approach some of these conversations with Jim wearing his structural engineer hat as opposed to both of us being there wearing Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner hats.  So I left for home so they could conduct business.

As I was heading down the driveway, I was finally able to capture our turkey family on film.  We've been seeing all the babies for the past couple weeks on and off, but they are very quick and usually disappear before I can get the camera out.  You have to look close, but there are probably at least 10 little ones.

Jim's meeting with the contractor went well and we will probably use him.  It's really hard to make a decision - we thought we had done due diligence with the first contractor by going with recommendations, meeting with him more than once, going to see him work, etc.  And look where that got us.  So you're never really sure but this guy is older and has been doing concrete work for a long time.  Jim still wants to go see him work but all things point to him being the one we go with.  He even talked to Jim about doing the auto lift pad at the same time as the other pour, which would certainly save us time and money, so Jim is considering that option too.

However, as soon as the guy left, it started to rain - even though the forecast really didn't call for anything more than a possible sprinkle.  Jim had to put all the equipment away and it really came down hard for a bit.  But then the skies turned blue and Jim called me to come back out.  Of course, all the bailing I had done before lunch was for naught - we had another lake inside.  So it was back to bailing.  It's not a necessary job but it makes everything more difficult to sludge through standing water inside. 

Jim got busy with the next section of sheathing - look, we have a door opening! 

Then the strapping...

As luck would have it, the rain started falling again about 4:30.  After putting all the tools and equipment away once again and the forecast showing it was going to rain on and off for awhile, we decided to call it a day and run to Lowe's.  We've been so busy and the weather has been so great that there hasn't been much time for work errands.
It was sunny and beautiful in Saratoga but we saw this gorgeous double rainbow as we were leaving Lowe's!

Tomorrow we will hopefully get our next order of cold-formed steel - this will be for the roof structure as well as the back wall of the apartment.  Jim also ordered the Pex tubing for the ground level so that will be coming soon too.  Lots of exciting steps to come!
High 73/Low 52

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