Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Jim worked in the wood shop this morning on the window frames.  He got all the rabbet cuts in the pieces...

 Then drilled all the screw holes...

 He assembled the first frame...

And tried it out in the window.  He still has millwork to do but making great progress on this job.

Jim needs to make holes in the back of the switch box to accommodate the conduit.  Rather than try and drill through the metal when all the electronics were in the box, he took them all out.

Now he'll be able to drill through without risk of damaging anything.

Before he broke for lunch, we took our handy roll of nylon rope and headed out to measure how much electric supply line will be needed to go from the generator into the switch box.  Then after lunch, Jim went to the electric supply company to talk to them about supply line.  He wanted to see it before ordering it.  After talking to them, he went ahead and placed his order - it will be in tomorrow morning.

He also stopped at the Drywall Center and picked up some insulation baffles to use in the stairwell dormer roof area.

Then it was back to digging for the electric line...

A little pick action was required...

Continuing to dig...

And use the pick...

But he broke through the two areas!

 The two trenches are complete...

But it required hand digging another bucketful of dirt!

Jim wasn't sure how long of a piece of conduit he put below grade - he is still hoping that he can bring the new line through the same conduit.  So when I came in, I went through the blog to see if I could find a picture.  It was too random of a search, so I ended up going through lots of pictures.  It is quite amazing to go back through years of pictures and see all the work that Jim has done on this property and building - just mind boggling.  But I found a picture that shows the length of the pipe.  It's not too much further than he's already dug so that's encouraging.

Besides all the work, we were again distracted this afternoon by the sound of timbering.  We went over to the edge of our property a few times thinking they were close but sound carries differently through the woods.  However, Jim finally caught up with the guy driving the big machine with cut logs and was able to talk to him.  It was fairly depressing - this guy said that he's timbering an area and people are going to build a house back there.  Granted, we have 17 acres and still a big area of trees between us, but it definitely wasn't good news on our part.  According to the tax map, there are already houses on each of the three parcels on that road so we aren't sure if they could actually build. Time will tell.  We just have to adjust to the thought and pray that they don't massacre the forest.  Unfortunately, this is a tale that's common here - we see timbering going on all over the area and trucks full of logs headed to the nearby paper mill.  This guy told Jim that landowners get 40% of a truckload (probably about $800).  Sigh...
High 70/Low 52 - beautiful!

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