Friday, September 13, 2019


We had a wonderfully chilly start to the day - it was in the low 40s when we woke up.  Compare that with Ohio - it's in the 90s there and has been for a few days!  Even with a window out and just plywood up, the house maintains its heat - it was 69 degrees in here when we got up but warmed up during the day.

Jim worked this morning in the shop, beginning to put together the attic access door in our bedroom.

Prepping and gluing more wood...

Starting to cut and size pieces...

Jim got two coats of polyurethane on the cantilever window yesterday; for good measure, he put a third coat on today.  Since this window swings outside, it's exposed to lots of sunlight.

Speaking of the windows, big shout out to Pella Windows for their great customer service (and great windows!).  When Jim took the cantilever window out, there was a rain strip to keep windblown rain from coming in.  It was kind of bent so Jim wanted to order a new set when he put the windows back together.  He called Pella with the serial number of the window and they are sending two sets to us by FedEx free of charge!

Next, Jim headed out to the pole barn to work on the garage door.  He needed a 1/2" steel round bar to wind the spring; he only had 5/8".  So he used two pieces of rebar and smoothed out the tips...

 Winding up the spring - took 9 turns on each side....

He had to do a little tweaking but we now have a fully functional garage door on the pole barn!

Jim continued doing some work on the door but then knocked off about 4:30 to head into Lowe's.  He had a list of things he needed!
High 67/Low 50

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