Sunday, April 7, 2019


Well...we were kind of 0 for 3 on the day's events, although we had pecan pancakes this morning and wine tonight so that's close enough!  Hope everyone had a good day no matter how you celebrated!

Jim worked in the wood shop today, using his new pine boards to create the door jamb for the second bedroom.  He has it all cut to size, planed, milled and assembled - just needs to round the edges and get it primed.  The wood must have been fresh - the shop smelled amazing!

Jim also got the conduit connection put through the wall of the shop and going into the auto bay for the air compressor connections.  Jim put the coupler on the conduit and then went into the auto bay and glued it on, while I held pressure from the shop side.  Jim was saying that it was pretty crazy that we were working on the same piece and I was on the floor while he was on the very top step of the ladder and still working above his head!

As I was up close and personal to this connection, I was amazed at how Jim did all the clamping of the line.  If you look closely, he cut a small piece of the line and fit it around the actual line before clamping it.  That way, it should prevent any damage to the line.

Once the conduit was glued, he was able to push the air hose through...

He has a special elbow attachment - he'll cut the line and attach it to this elbow.  First, he's going to work down in the auto bay so there is no twisting of this connection while he works below it.

It was a beautiful day - close to 60 and sunny.  At the end of his workday, he went out side and did some raking to start getting the gravel out of the lawn.  This gravel got kicked up the first time he used the snowblower when the ground wasn't yet thawed.

High 61/Low 44

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