Monday, June 26, 2017


Jim worked this morning on making the additional steel underneath the overhang - this will be support for the knee braces.  We also have to figure out light placement here so Jim marked a couple options.

Then he started working insulation.  For the side of the kitchen window, there was no way he could reach the middle section - he ended up having to take down one side of the insulation batt in order to be able to stuff the loose insulation in the middle.  On a positive note, he said the glue really sticks - no chance of it not holding!

After lunch, we started moving tools outside to work on scaffolding, but just as we did, there was a pop-up shower.  It continued that way on/off all afternoon - it would go from bright blue sunny sky to a brief shower.  So we abandoned the thought of siding and continued working insulation.

Each of these window frames is different and presents a unique challenge.  For this living room window, Jim had to loosen the house wrap from the side of the window.  Then he was able to access the holes in the steel and use them to get the insulation in.

Stuffing insulation...

On the other living room windows, there was a track piece on the side.  So Jim had to use his hole saw to create a way to get the insulation in.

Meanwhile, I continued combing the insulation and kept Jim supplied with pails of loose insulation.

As of now, the living room, kitchen and bathroom windows are stuffed for the most part and ready for insulation batting!  Great progress!

Even though I'm sure he was completely sick of insulation, Jim started working on cutting the batts for underneath the windows.

This bathroom window/wall is all done!

Underneath all of the living room windows all finished too!

Not a real glamorous day, but making good progress which is all that counts!
High 70/Low 51 - on/off showers

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