Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Jim and I spent more time this morning working on updating computer sites.  Some of this is good to get done, even though it's been painful.  We are getting more organized, checked and froze our credit reports - things it's always good to have done.

But then it was time to work!  Jim sharpened the chainsaw blade...

Then we headed out to the spot where we want the new shed to go to do some cleanup and tree removal.  First to go are these striped maples that grow like weeds...

Continuing to cut down more of the little ones...

More coming down...

The birthday girl even put on hearing protection and watched the trees fall!

We decided to bring the chipper up and get rid of all that we had cut down so it didn't get ahead of us...


Feeding in trees...

We are still in awe of this chipper - it takes good sized trees without slowing down and without any real work on the operator's part!

This area already looks so much cleaner...

Now for some bigger trees to come down...


Cutting another one...

Coming down...

Wow - this tree fell down right next to an existing little pine - perfect placement!

Another one falling...

He probably cut down 5 trees - we definitely have some clean up work to do now!

Cutting some branches off so that we could move them out of the way...

At the end of the day, we got a lot done and a lot cleaned up!

After Jim got all the tools and equipment cleaned up and we were able to clean ourselves up, it was time to celebrate Mom's 91st birthday!  We decided to take her out for Mexican food, one of her favorites.

Then it was back home to open cards and have birthday cake (and ice cream after the picture!)...

Making a wish!

High 84.1/Low 58.6

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