Friday, August 23, 2024


I had a doctor appointment early afternoon, and left early to do grocery errands.  When I got home, Jim was using the excavator to take off the top few inches in this section of the driveway to grade it...

Using the thumb to pick out rocks...

This big swath is all crumbed.  We picked out the bigger rocks...

Then Jim used the Bobcat to flatten it out...

All flattened and looking good!  Jim's walking to get the excavator to bring it down to get a rock out that appeared....

Starting to dig the rock out...

Whoa - it's way bigger than anticipated!  Thank goodness for the thumb!

Moving it over to the side...

Looks fabulous!

The accumulated dirt pile...

Jim also started to grade an area for water run off in front of the pavilion...

High 77.1/Low 55.9 - nice!


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