Saturday, August 31, 2024


 It feels like we haven't had a rainy day in forever, but today it rained on/off so we declared it a much-needed inside work day.

Jim worked in the shop - here he's drilling holes in his wood rack guards...

Using his new tap set to tap the holes...

So that his screws can go in...

I heard welding noises from down in the metal shop, so I stayed away - more pictures to come!

High 69/Low 61.9 - on/off rain

Friday, August 30, 2024


 I had to take Mom for a doctor's appointment this morning, but in the afternoon, we headed outside.  Jim wanted to dig out more stumps...

And cut down a few more trees...

More chainsaw work...

A pile of trees to cut up and chip!

Jim went back to pull out those stumps...

Cutting up the trunks...

More cutting...

Then Jim went down and brought up the chipper so we could get everything cleaned up...

Still amazing to me that Jim can feed this giant tree in - once it starts, the chipper just pulls it in by itself.

Looking fabulous!

Jim got all the tools and equipment put away and then did some grass cutting to finish off the day.

High 74/Low 59 - gorgeous!

Thursday, August 29, 2024


I had to take Mom for bloodwork this morning.  When we got to the end of the driveway, the road crews were working on our side of the street, clearing things out to hopefully allow for better drainage.  They did the opposite last week.

When we got home, they were just loading up and leaving...

Jim was just happy that they didn't bother our driveway apron...

In the afternoon, we all headed outside again to do more clearing.  Before he used the excavator to dig up the stumps from the trees he cut down, he wanted to use the metal detector.  But nothing.

Starting to dig out a stump...

The thumb works great for grabbing them once Jim gets it out...

Moving it over to the side...

Once he cleared enough of a path, he brought the chipper up...

Doing some adjustments as we started chipping...

While I worked on the chipping pile, Jim went over to where we put the trees he cut down to get at the dead tree and started cutting branches off...

Continuing to chip - Jim is heading over to use the chainsaw on a big branch...

The chipper is amazing - the auto feed is incredible!

Look how incredible this area looks!

Once we were done with that area, Jim moved the chipper up so that we could start on all the branches he cut up...


In no time, we had all the chipping done...

Then Jim tackled the trunks, cutting them into sections that we will split later...

Now that everything was clear, Jim went back to removing stumps.  We have a big stump graveyard now!  The size of some of these is huge!

Pulling another stump out...

Adding to a smaller stump graveyard...

Once we were done, we decided to walk back into the woods behind where we were working.  We really haven't walked back here in years and it's really grown up.  But it's beyond beautiful!

Looking up at some of these huge pine trees is breathtaking...

Six trees in one?

High 73.1/Low 55.3 - beautiful!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024


After working yesterday, Jim sharpened the chain on the big saw this morning...

After lunch, we headed outside to chop up all the trees we cut down yesterday.  I used our reference stick and marked off where Jim needed to cut, so that all the logs would be the same size.   Jim used his log roller to keep the log off the ground so he could cut...

Lots of cutting...

Starting to cut this long trunk...

I gathered all the logs and put them into the Bobcat bucket...

Then Jim dumped them.  We may split these up and try to see if someone can use them...

We ended up with two bucketsful of logs from what Jim cut up.  We have a big pile of branches to be chipped up as well.  

Jim wanted to get this dead tree down.  First, he had to cut the striped maples in front of them...

However, they were hooked at the top so it took some maneuvering to get them down...

But down they came...

On the ground...

He used the bucket of the Bobcat to push over the dead tree trunk...

Down it comes....

We got a lot done again today - chipping and stump removal are next on the agenda!

High 80/Low 67.4