Saturday, March 4, 2017


This was the view of the Hudson River this morning - lots of big ice formations broken off from farther north in the mountains and traveling down the river.  They were moving quite fast too. 

It was a bitter cold day today but Jim still went out to the property.  He started stringing internet cable from the second bedroom.  He had to come up with the path he wanted to take the wire - again, it can't be near power lines plus Jim wants to avoid it going across the rafters where it will interfere with insulation (always SO many variables!).

He took the wire up the walls...

...and down the path he designed out.  The plan is to take the cables down the wall in the bathroom and into the bathroom of the wood shop.  Jim will have all of the internet hardware located in an area there (similar to what we did in Ohio).  That way it's accessible but not taking up room in the apartment.

However, running this line required Jim to drill probably 10 holes along the way, putting in all the grommets and working off ladders, so going up and down all day.  He actually went through the whole new box of grommets he got recently, so he'll have to pick up another box.  That means that he's gone through 300 grommets!

Jim also worked on more finish details - the got the strapping put on both of the side living room walls.  Again, that's a lot of cutting pieces and having to work off the ladders.

Then he installed the eave baffles in the master bedroom.  These are a little different from the rafter ones - they have tails that tuck below the top of the wall.

We are under a wind chill advisory tonight.  The forecasted actual temperatures in the wee hours of the morning are 10 below zero!  But with the wind chill, they said we could see readings of 15 to 25 below zero!  Way too cold for man or beast.
High 17/Low -10 (wind chill advisory)

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