Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Jim went to the property this morning to get the box truck for its final trip of the year to go pick up steel.  Unfortunately, when the temperatures go below freezing, the throttle cable freezes.  It didn't help that the truck was parked way off the driveway so Jim couldn't get heat to it.  It took about an hour before he got it going.

He picked up all the steel.  You can see how big some of this steel is - it's hanging out the back of the box truck quite a bit!  Plus, he spent quite awhile talking to his rep about their insulation choices.  Jim found one product that he's considering - Rocksol - and they have it there.  Jim also picked up some rafter baffles to try - exciting to think we are talking insulation now!

Jim didn't get back to the property until it was lunchtime.  So after lunch, he decided that he would try and work outside.  In order to seal off the apartment so that we can work inside and put insulation in at some point, Jim needed to make a piece of steel fascia backing first.

Before he could get out onto the scaffolding, he had to shovel off accumulated ice and snow!

Attaching the fascia backing...

Next was cutting the fascia board to size...

The ends had to be first primed and then painted - so it had to sit in front of the heater for awhile to dry in between coats.

So meanwhile, Jim started cutting soffit pieces...

Normally, the soffit can't be attached until the shingles are all done and the freeze board attached.  Since that isn't happening right now, Jim is putting up a temporary space to act as the freeze board.  That will let him attach the soffit.  Later, whenever we get back to putting up shingles, Jim will replace that with the actual freeze board.

Putting up the now-dry fascia board.

Predrilling the soffit...

...and attaching.

Doing the next piece...

There's just a little more at the end, but that requires getting on the other scaffolding tower.  Jim wants to get the scaffolding down off the auto bay roof first and then he can use that platform for this tower.  Hopefully soon!
Now that the outside work is done for the moment, we got to turn our attention back to making walls!  Jim's cutting a stud to size...

Since the top of the wall is on an angle, the stud has to be cut accordingly.

Putting up the next stud...

...and one more!

End-of-the-day - it's really starting to look like a wall!

High 38/Low 22

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