Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Jim called the electric inspector this morning - he's coming tomorrow afternoon to inspect our trench!  That will be yet another nice block to have checked off.  But because rain was scheduled for the afternoon, Jim piled up some more sand at the end of the trench hoping to stop any major run off.  If the sand washes away, we'll just have to put more down before he comes!

Then it was back to getting ready to do some siding.  Jim made the top trim for the west wall window...

Jim was having a bit of trouble with his nail gun - it would sometimes bounce too much or shoot two nails, neither situation good with these shingles.  He knew he had bought a restrictive trigger for the gun once but couldn't find it.  He was ready to order it and then found it!  So he put that on today...and then the gun wouldn't fire.  So he had to take it apart, made a little modification, and put it all back together.

Of  course, just when we went outside to do shingles, it started raining.  But the gun works much better now, so that's good news.  Jim pressed on for awhile putting up shingles - I stayed inside and handed each shingle out to him and different tools when he needed so that we could go quickly and wouldn't have a lot to clean up outside. 

In the rain, Jim managed to get 3 rows done on the side!

After lunch, the rain fell a little harder so I headed home and Jim started to work on some electric work.  He got temporary lights going in the apartment - yay!  But the big news is that he made some flat blocking to go in between these rafters.  This will enable Jim to be able to fasten the top track of the wall that will go around the box beam to the ceiling.

Another view...

It's exciting to have more steel up in the apartment (and check out that new window in this picture!).
High 53/Low 42

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