Sunday, October 26, 2014


The sun was just coming up as we started walking to church this morning.  The mountains looked like they were glowing - so pretty!

However, it turned into kind of a strange weather day.  Just as Jim left to go to the land, he turned right around and came back in - it had just started raining.  So he ate lunch here and then headed out.  But pretty much all afternoon, it would go from bright blue sunny skies, to dark threatening clouds, to a few minutes of sprinkles and the cycle would repeat.  Being up on top of our hill makes watching the skies really interesting - you can just see the weather rolling in.

But even though the weather, we got lots done.  Here Jim is putting the next piece of decking in place.

You can see from this picture that Jim has gotten two more pieces in place and there are 3 waiting their turn.

More threatening skies with blue behind them as Jim puts the next piece into place.

Of course a pretty rainbow after the raindrops!

Because we kept getting sprinkled on, Jim decided to paint each piece after he welded it just to prevent any rust from forming on the exposed metal.

By the end of the day, we got all 5 pieces welded into place!

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