Saturday, October 11, 2014


Poor Jim - I figured after all the stress of the big steel delivery and beam placement was over, he would sleep like a baby last night.  But his brain solves problems at night - and last night it had moved on from beams to figuring out how to do the deck! 

Our neighbor, Steve, who so amazingly stopped by when we needed an extra pair of hands yesterday, might be kind of a problem.  He called Jim and has some guy he wants to bring out to talk to him about shoring and concrete, plus he's telling him all the things he can do for Jim.  Jim finally had to tell him that while we really appreciated him stopping by, that's not the way he operates.  Jim told him he will call him if he needs him.  Just hope we haven't opened a can of worms and he will be hanging around all the time!

The first thing Jim did today was to organize and sort the decking.  He used the forks on the Bobcat to move the piles so that he still has room to maneuver the Bobcat around as well as to put up scaffolding.

Then he did a little tweaking of the beams to make sure they were sitting precisely where he wanted them.  For example, this one was about 1/4" off from where he wanted - he can use the mallet on a piece of wood to move the beam over.

Then we set up some scaffolding in preparation for some deck work!  Jim ordered another section of scaffolding and some screw jack adaptors which will allow him to adjust the castor wheels - all of which is supposed to be delivered Monday. 

The rest of the afternoon, Jim spent digging the trench.  He has about 40' done - which is just about where he wanted to get right now.  Picture to come!

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