Monday, June 10, 2024



Jim got called for jury duty when I was going through my health scare.  He was able to postpone it, but today was the day he had to report.  He's happy to do his civic duty, but of course summer time is difficult plus it's about 30 minutes away.  And for 2 months!!  Once he got signed in, he learned it was for a grand jury.  They needed 23 people and they had 36, so they excused some - and Jim got excused!  So happy - now we can move forward with plans.

This afternoon, Jim was back int he metal shop...he got the spars all placed and mostly welded.  Then he ran out of his wire for welding.  It's already on order so he can finish it.

He is going to make these double spars to go in between for more support...

Since he was on hold on that project, he did some parts cleaning and then cleaned the trimmer as well...

Doing some trimming...

High 62.5/Low 52.2 - nice and cool!

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