Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 Jim put the wheels on the chipper cart today - love the way it looks!

He's got parts on order, but did some greasing underneath the 4Runner...

As Jim was underneath the car, there was a lightning strike unlike anything we've heard here before!  Jim at first thought something was happening with the car lift - you can imagine how scary that would be since he's working underneath a car.  Once he got out from underneath, he raced upstairs and I raced downstairs.  We didn't see any indications of a tree strike or anything wrong with the house.  But later, as Jim went into the woodshed, the lights were out in the bathroom and pantry.  In order to do some investigating, he had to move the shelving units because the GFI is behind the desk...

We finally emptied out the top shelf unit and Jim moved it - the desk is impossible to move.  But that GFI was fine.  He discovered that the GFI that tripped was on the outside bathroom wall.  So we consider ourselves very lucky indeed that that's all that happened!  And while we heard rumbles of thunder through the mountains for a lot of the afternoon, not a drop of rain.  Hopefully later on.

High 91.5/Low 72.3

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