Friday, December 6, 2019


After all Jim's work on the driveway over the last few days, we were disappointed that the gas company didn't come.  However, Jim's cellphone rang at 7:30 this morning - they were at the bottom of the driveway!  The guy had to back the truck up the driveway - before Jim got his shoes and coat on, he was zooming up around the curve!  Jim heading out to meet him...

This guy was awesome - he said he was their senior driver and if he couldn't make it up the hill, no one could!  Starting to fill the tank...

A bit hard to see - the sun was hardly up! - but the guy was wearing a cowboy hat and told Jim from now on to call and ask for Cowboy to do the delivery!

The miraculous part - besides him making it up the driveway - was that as he was pulling away, the snow started falling!  And it came down pretty heavy - we ended up getting probably another 4" on top.  If the driver hadn't made it when he did, Jim would have been out grooming the driveway again!     We definitely did a happy dance after he left!

We now feel so completely blessed and grateful - we are heading into the winter months with a full propane tank, a backup generator, all our vehicles inside the garage, and (except for the excavator) all the machinery inside the pole barn.  It took a lot of hard work to get to this point (along with some divine intervention) but we are as self-sufficient and ready as we can ever be.

In the workshop today, Jim continued working on drawers.  He had glued these pieces yesterday for the backs of the big drawers, so he resawed them this morning...

Both sides of these front panels dovetailed...

Starting to put pieces together...

These are cut very specific, so Jim has to keep pieces in groupings...

Drawers are coming together...

A great day - much to be thankful for!
High 27/Low 11 - 4" of new snow

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