Tuesday, January 22, 2019


This was another frigid day - we woke up to -9 degree temperatures.  While we certainly know we aren't alone in dealing with these temperatures and snow, it's been quite the experience dealing with this for the first time in the carriage house.  Jim spent months putting together each piece of the furnace system and integrating it into our spaces.  That doesn't even count all the time he's spent figuring wind and snow loads when designing the house and building it!  So he wakes up at night to every small creak or noise trying to decide if everything is okay or if it's just normal house sounds.  Because nothing is quite normal yet!  And if something doesn't work - if we get up and it's -9 outside and the furnace isn't working, there's no one to call to fix it - Jim just has to make it work.  So there's a ton of pressure and stress involved.  But we feel extremely happy and grateful that we passed these big tests this week - 2 feet of snow followed by subzero temperatures.

I waited until the afternoon when it reached a balmy 10 degrees before heading out to the post office and to Lowe's to pick up parts for Jim, as well as do some grocery errands.  

Jim spent time working in the woodshed today - in just a sweatshirt instead of two sweatshirts and a coat because he's been heating that space.  Transitions are always tough - he did some rearranging of tools and equipment to have better access.  He got some pieces ready for the second bedroom doorframe and window frames.

So he made lots of man glitter (aka sawdust).  He was able to attach his dust vacuum to the planer and capture all this sawdust.

High 16/Low 9

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