Wednesday, August 10, 2016


We had a few showers this morning but Jim had already decided that this was going to be a catch-up work day.

He had to work first to unload the truck from last night's Lowe's trip.  He got all the block stacked and covered (block is much more porous than brick and needs to be kept dry).

Then he had to take care of some ordering of supplies and deliveries.  Jim found a great shear that he will use to cut the cement board siding - cutting the siding with a saw releases fine silica that is hazardous to breathe in.  So we definitely don't want that!  This shear will have lots of utility - it will even cut 3/4" hardwood flooring.

Early afternoon, the roofing company brought more trim boards and the cement board planks that Jim needs as starter boards.  This delivery took awhile - the driver was first going to just drive his tow motor with the boards all the way up the hill.  The Miratek is so flexible that Jim didn't want anything to happen to it, so the driver drove the truck up and just unloaded by the building.

Jim also was working on a steel order - we will be picking that up tomorrow.
He also talked to the insurance company and arranged for insurance back on the other 4Runner.  Then I ran some errands this morning, including going to the DMV to get the new plates.  That was another task for Jim this afternoon - putting new plates/window stickers on the car, jumping it because the battery was dead.
In between everything else, he worked on stairs.  This is a picture of the new angle piece that he fit and welded on - it will give a better attachment for the stringers.

Both stringers are attached!  Jim also got the steel cut for the next stair run using the template he had made.

High 81/Low 65

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