Thursday, July 24, 2014


Wow...this was another crazy busy day.  Jim's brother-in-law, Bryan, is graciously bringing up some of our stuff that's been in storage in Ohio and staying with us for a week or so to join in our fun!  Here's a picture he texted before he left...said he looked like the Clampett's!

Jim called the building inspector this morning to set up an inspection for tomorrow morning.  He said he wasn't going to be working tomorrow and wanted to come today at 1:00.  Jim told him we wouldn't be completely ready by then, but he said he saw our work last time and he was sure it would be fine.

So that was good, but that meant we had a lot we wanted to get done by the time he came to inspect.  Plus Jim spent time on the phone ordering concrete to be delivered tomorrow afternoon - so we really have to be ready! 

Besides that, Jim had worked up his first quote for the cold-formed steel he will need for the first floor.  The guy got back to him right away and Jim ordered that this morning too!  So next week we have the insulated concrete forms coming on Monday and the cold-formed steel on Tuesday.  Things are moving really fast now!

Thankfully, the temps today were in the 70s so it was much better working conditions.  However, when you are working with steel and doing so much physical work, it still felt hot.

Today was all about steel.  Jim cut all the pieces of 1/2" rebar...

and I bent all of them for the stirrups.

Jim had to bend the 5/8" steel for all of the rest of the steel in the forms.

And there is a lot of steel in the forms!  So there was a lot of placing steel in the right places and doing a lot of tying! 

Then Jim had to bend all of the steel for the footing dowels and tie those all into place.

The steel work for the steps is always so complex.

Everything is taking shape.

And the birds eye view is looking pretty incredible!  It's hard for me to fathom that just a week ago we were planning for the first pour - we certainly got a lot done this week!

We knocked off a little early and got things cleaned up for the night so that when Bryan got here, we took him on a little site tour and then went to Dango's for dinner.

We have a little more form work to be done tomorrow morning - gravel and bracing basically - but then we'll be ready for concrete!



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