Monday, July 14, 2014

7.14.2014 - Our First Footer Inspection!

Today was our first footer inspection.  Jim wanted to make sure everything was as perfect as possible so a few touch-ups went on this morning.

Jim decided to modify all those little stands he made from the PVC drain pipes to hold up the rebar.  He drilled big holes in them so that the concrete would go through them and fill them up too and they can just stay in place when we pour.

Here's what they look like in place...

Jim finished up the cross-over drain...we actually finished more after this picture and put some pipes on with the ends all taped up so that no concrete can get into the system when we pour.

Jim wanted some more stabilizing bars to make sure everything stays in place, so he cut some more rebar and we tied them into place.

Right after lunch, the building inspector showed up.  He said everything looked great - had no comments or questions about anything.  He stayed probably 45 minutes but only 5 of those were actually talking about the footers - the rest was just talking!  Since we are doing the footers in two parts, he said we are good to go and he will just come back and look at the other part when we are ready.  So...whew...another inspection under our belts.  Plus the first one with the building inspector is key.  If he sees questionable work, he's more apt to look a little closer at all the other inspection points. 

After he left, Jim decided that he wanted to do the footing dowels a little bit different.  He had originally planned to just put them in the concrete when we poured, but decided he wanted to fasten them in for additional strength and less to worry about when we pour.  However, this required adding another bend to the rebar and then tying them into place.  This section was easier because there was already a center piece or rebar as well as stabilizing pieces in place.  The lower section was more work - Jim had to adjust some of the pieces we had already put in so they were in the right place for the footing dowels.  Bending all that rebar again and working in precarious positions was a lot of work, but in the end, a better product and Jim is happier!

Definitely a great day and much to celebrate - passing our first building inspection! 


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