Sunday, July 12, 2020


First, a little follow up on the box truck.  The go between guy, Paul, that Jim worked with during the sale is the one who lived in Long Island; the owner lived in the Caribbean.  Paul has actually kept in touch with Jim periodically - sometimes with questions and sometimes just to wish him a happy holiday.  It was hugely expensive to ship the truck to the Caribbean and required all kinds of hoops to jump through but they got it there.  Then they totally repainted it - look how nice it looks!

And this just makes me happy to look at!  The truck has a new life in the Caribbean and they certainly fixed it up well - love the smiley face!

In the wood shop this morning, Jim sanded the cabinet door...

Then brought it upstairs for a trial fit...

Since it is perfect, time to do all the millwork for the hinges and door knob...

 Getting ready for a coat of primer...


In the afternoon, we headed outside.  It's amazing - we had rain on/off all day yesterday and overnight - the ground was moist but you can see there is no mud!  Today we started getting some of the big rocks in the trench more in place to start our wall.  Who needs to go to the gym when you can move giant rocks?

Getting rocks in place...

 Down at the rock pile, Jim was hand selecting big rocks to use for the base...

 It takes a lot of effort to move a rock this big manually!


Moving them into place...

Dropping off another load...

More muscle work...

Using the excavator to help move a rock in place...

But ending up doing it mostly by hand anyway!

We got a load of small rocks to use to fill in the cracks between the rocks...

Great start to our wall!

We knocked off a little early and took the Mini out for a Sunday spin because it was such a gorgeous day.  We ended up finding one of the other lots we considered when we first started looking - we called it the babbling brook lot.  Someone had bought it and had a house built - not that we needed any more affirmation, but we definitely picked the right lot!

High 82/Low 62 - beautiful!

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