Monday, July 25, 2016


We had pretty much decided yesterday that today would be a self-imposed rain day.  The forecast looked slightly iffy for the possibility of a shower so we decided no brick work.  Sometimes you just need to catch up!

Jim spent time doing a lot of prep work for our next round of brick work - this next course in the front required a lot of earthquake ties.  The next row in the back needed a lot too.  Plus he got all the marking done for the next few courses.

Jim brought up a couple more bucketsful of sand and then spent awhile cutting more bricks.

After lunch, we moved the boards I painted the other day upstairs and then I painted the last 5 trim boards!  Jim is anxious to do some rearranging downstairs so it will be good to get all of these long boards out of the way.

In the afternoon, Jim worked on making the next stair run.  This run is actually going downstairs.  Jim used an old piece of plywood to make a template to make sure he was happy with the run and rise of the stairs to make sure there was adequate headroom.

He was happy with the design, so he got busy making the stringers out of steel.  He has some of the clip angles on - but the good part is that he has all of the tread clip angles made already.

We had a brief passing sprinkle but it was still good to have our own rain day.  As much as Jim wants to continue doing the brick work, there are a lot of other jobs he wants to do too! 
High 81/Low 64

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