Saturday, July 23, 2016


Jim did some more prep work on the front - put membrane over the exposed block so we are good to go for the next 4 or 5 courses.

Jim wanted to check to make sure the bricks were level across the man door opening...

Can't get any better than that!

He also took all the sawhorse scaffolding down from the side of the building and rebuilt it all up in the back.  So except for the very end, this should do it for this side!

Time to make the mortar!

Putting another course of bricks on the front...

Now that the scaffolding is gone, Jim can bring the Bobcat with the mortar box back in the back!

Finishing up the last course of half bricks on back of the auto bay...

This is kind of crazy - trying to get a brick behind the side of the auto bay roof!

Jointing the front...

Using up the rest of the mortar to continue along the back.

By the time we were done, it was time for a late lunch.  As we were starting to eat, a few giant raindrops fell.  We scrambled outside to get the back covered but it never rained any more.

However, the forecast looked a little iffy for the afternoon so we made the decision not to do another batch of bricks.  Instead, we had lots of work to do to continue getting ready for the next stages.  Here Jim is putting some membrane over the top of the dimple board just so that no mortar droppings get behind.  We had done this over most of the areas last year so we were ahead of the game.

The grass had gotten so long around the scaffolding that Jim had to get the trimmer out before he could continue working!

Meanwhile, I did some more painting of the Miratek trim boards.  We only have 5 more boards to be painted and then they are all ready to go!

Jim's working on marking and getting things set for working up the steps.

About 4:00, the clouds started looking a little threatening.  I headed home to do some fire school work - Jim stayed to continue working.  We made a good decision not to try and do another batch of mortar - on my way home, there was a big downpour.  However, Jim only got a few sprinkles on Angel!  Nevertheless, we were glad we weren't doing mortar.
Jim got some prep work done for making the next stair run - he wants to make a template to make sure everything fits. 
He also did some work on the overhang - which first required taking down a tower of scaffolding.  He got another piece of fascia backing put on the front as well as angle tying all of the rafters together.  It's taking shape!

High 83/Low 58

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