Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Now that we have all the sheathing done on the roof, the next step is to put the drip edge flashing on the bottom and then the underlayment.  However, Jim discovered he's out of the flashing material so he headed out this morning to the roofing company.  Unfortunately, because it's not typical roof season, they don't have any in stock.  They even checked with their other stores and no one has any.  Jim had to come up with a good solution that didn't require paying a lot of money to ship just one roll of flashing.  The downside is that the flashing won't come in until Friday.  However, there's still lots of work to be done other places!

Plus, today is Jim's prep day for his colonoscopy that's scheduled tomorrow.  Never fun but a necessary evil.  He came home for lunch after the trip to the roofing company so that he could enjoy a lunch of chicken broth and jello!

After lunch, he headed to the site and started working more on the fascia backing.  He's still figuring this whole thing out and it required a little modification on some of the rafter tails to make sure everything was perfectly aligned and flat.  It amazes me that it came out as perfectly as it did when you consider each of the rafters was made individually to fit on so many different angles.  Plus he had to figure out how he wanted to do the corner transitions.

At the end of the day, he got the rest of the right side done and went around to the back side...

He also got the front side done...so all that remains is a little section on the side!

High 31/Low 24

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