Friday, January 29, 2016


As promised, a couple of landing pictures from yesterday.  It's hard to get pictures because the second landing is kind of at eye level.

This viewpoint is from the back side of the stairwell so you can see the different landings a little better.

This morning, Jim made the block that will go between the box beam joist and its neighbor to provide extra stability for the staircase attachment.
Then he made more mounting plates - this time for the timber braces that will go here.  We are having an overhang over the door with braces underneath so Jim will use these mounting plates to attach those later on.

Putting up the other mounting plate...

We took our lunch break and went to Lowe's to pick up the screws that Jim needs to finish attaching the track to the carriage house wall.  We also wanted to talk to them about our appliance delivery that is scheduled for next week - with the icy driveway, Jim's a little worried that the Lowe's box truck may not make it up the driveway and up to the carriage house.  We'll see how the weather goes next week.  We also did some preliminary searches of flooring for the carriage house - Jim needs to know how to proceed with the apartment floor, which will be dependent on how thick of flooring we decide on.  We really want strand bamboo so we'll be looking into that further.

Once we got back to the site, it was time to turn our attention to sheathing again!  Jim first cut some of the flashing he had made to go over the ledger boards.

Fitting the flashing on...

...and stapling it into place.

Then we got our first piece of sheathing cut and marked and Jim carried it outside.

First piece is in place and Jim is starting the fastening process.

Next it's strapping...

Before we can proceed any further, we have to set up scaffolding.  However, the ground is frozen and icy - not good.  So Jim had to get the pick out and work the areas where the feet would go.

Scaffolding in place, time to cut the next piece of sheathing.  On this piece, Jim had me take measurements and draw out the window opening so that he would know where to put the screws.

Putting the next piece up...

...and into place.

End-of-the day picture - now you can really see the stairwell taking shape and how it fits in with the rest of the carriage house.

Getting ready for tomorrow - we put up another section of scaffolding and cut and marked the next piece of sheathing.

The pictures don't show it, but it pretty much snowed all afternoon.  It wasn't enough to do any more than a slight dusting on the ground but did make things cold and damp.  So we got a lot done in wintery conditions!
High 35/Low 18

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