Saturday, January 16, 2016


We woke up to ice and sleet this morning.  It turned into mostly drizzle by the time Jim headed out.  He did some work in the downstairs shop and then cut the furring strips that we will need for the outside walls on the stairwell.  He brought those home when he came home for lunch - we're going to have a painting party in the apartment one day since it's too cold to paint at the site!

After lunch, I went back with Jim and we got busy again on the east wall.  First task was to build up another scaffolding tower on the concrete.  In order to do that, he had to take down a section from the scaffolding up front.  Everything was still cold and wet, which instantly makes your gloves and hands wet and cold too.

Starting to build up scaffolding...

Building up higher...

Once Jim got the scaffolding built, he was able to finish putting the rest of the screws in the piece that we put up yesterday.  Then he cut out the door opening.

Time to cut the next piece of sheathing...

And put it out on the scaffolding and into place.

The inside view...getting very closed in now!

While Jim was busy attaching the sheathing, I started cutting house wrap. 

The house wrap goes on next...

Once the house wrap was on, we had to take apart the scaffolding tower inside the apartment space so that Jim could build up higher.

Measuring for the next piece...

Strapping goes on next...

Carrying the next piece of sheathing out...

End-of-the-day picture....This side is almost closed in!  It's hard to believe that we can still do this in the middle of January.  When we think back just a couple months ago, we didn't think we would ever get the roof on!

High 38/Low 18

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