Monday, October 5, 2015


Jim started the day by heading to the roofing company.  We needed another roll of the membrane to finish off the auto bay roof.  Plus, I did some research into roofing alternatives and found a different company that offers a composite slate roofing that we really like.  And it appears that the local roofing company can get it for us, so they are working up a quote.  Hopefully, it will be close to the price of the metal roofing - but Jim will be able to install this product himself.  He has experience with the composite roofing - he used the shake style when he redid the shrine at our church in Ohio.  So fingers crossed that we can get a reasonable price for this material - it will look amazing on both the carriage house and eventually the house!  We are both excited for this option and feel relieved that the worries about how we were going to do the roof are over.

Once Jim got back, he started working on the garage door tracks.  However, before he made connections through the steel deck, he wanted to be sure exactly which troughs the Pex were in.  Since of course I have pictures of everything, we decided I would head home after lunch and print out a picture showing the Pex placement.

But before lunch, it was back to working on membrane.  It was another sunny day, so the stickiness was again an issue.

Getting close to the top...

Last row before we stopped for lunch and to give the sun time to create some shadows over this area.

While I went home and found pictures, Jim started working on clip angles for the upstairs rafters.  These aren't attached yet but they're made and punched.

We are going to make our wall layout on the deck first when the steel comes hopefully tomorrow.  Jim wanted to find the exact middle of the deck.  So we went through that whole 3/4/5 discussion as a way to find 90 degrees but instead did a kind of compass measurement to find the middle.  (Good thing Jim is so smart!)

We were sure battling wasps today too - they were especially flying around the apartment wall on the deck but also where Jim was working on the auto bay roof.  There don't seem to be any nests and we really haven't seen too many all summer but they were out in full force today!

Once the shadows came over the roof, it was time to finish up the membrane.  Last piece!

Taking out staples from the house wrap...

Putting up the membrane between the roofline and the sheathing...

Just about done!

Stapling down the house wrap...

Jim put a piece of the titanium synthetic underlayment over the top of the ridge vent.  This underlayment won't stick but it will provide a waterproof barrier until the actual roof is put on.

Yikes!  In order to staple down the underlayment on the back side, Jim had to lean over the peak of the roof!

Tucking in all the edges...

Once again, time to move scaffolding!  Next stop is up on the deck to start working on the steel up there!  For tonight, we just moved all the pieces over to the side of the building where they will be easily accessible tomorrow.

The membrane is all done!  Now the inside of this bay is safe and secure.  We can start unloading our storage units and put things in this bay - such a relief to have this block checked!

High 61/Low 41


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