Sunday, October 4, 2015


I left after breakfast to head to Lowe's to pick up some specialty screws Jim needed for the garage door.

When I got back to the site, he had put together the first panel...

...and then moved the scaffolding from around back and started setting it up in the front.

You can see the screws in this picture - they are 6" long and specially coated.  They go through the wood frame, the foam, and into the wood jamb.  I think that's going to be awfully secure!

Assembling the hardware on the next panel.  This time, we took off the plastic coating as soon as Jim put the hardware on but it was still tough to get off of the edges.

Putting the screws in the other side of the door...

First panel up!

Connecting the track...

All done!  The doors look amazing - we couldn't be happier with them.  Jim will work to get this door functional but for the moment, all we're concerned about is that our belongings are safe.  Especially since we will be bringing the rest of our stored items here soon - Jim got an email from the owner of the barn last night who said that we needed to be out by the 15th of this month or else keep a spot.  Jim told him we'll be out by then so that's going to be a major goal soon.

Since the door is up, time to go back to scaffolding.

Getting the roof marked for the start of the underlayment.

The last few days that Jim has put the underlayment on the roof, the temperatures were on the chilly side and there was more cloud cover.  It got pretty warm today and the sun was shining brightly.  Unfortunately, that made it tougher to put the underlayment down - it stuck to everything before you were ready for it to stick! 

I was busy cutting pieces for Jim so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.  Jim got two rows totally done and the start of the third before we had to stop, clean up and head home to get ready for church.
High 59/Low 33 (frost advisory out for tonight!)

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