Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The day started out much better - after working last night and this morning, Jim found an alternate source for the scaffolding.  This place has everything he needs and can ship it out right away - it's coming from Houston but we should hopefully have it next week.  Whew...crisis averted!

The weather was really nice today so the concrete pour that Jim wanted to watch went on as scheduled.  Unfortunately, they started early so by the time the guy called Jim and he got everything put away at the land, the concrete was already in place.  But Jim got to watch them finish it.  He was impressed and said the guy appears to be meticulous in his work.  So that's all good news too.

Jim was back working on deck parts again.  He welded some steel clip angles onto the piece he made yesterday - these will be used later to attach the stringers for the staircase.

Time to take off the rest of the temporary decking pieces over the stairwell.

These are heavy-gauge steel and weigh a lot to be yanking them off and moving them to the side - all ten feet up in the air!

Jim has to stand on the walls to get these last pieces out.

Last piece off...

Again, pretty much working over empty space, he had to try and punch holes in this heavy steel up in the air. 

The piece he made fits perfectly underneath the decking so everything will be very strong and secure.

Then Jim measured the space and went down and cut the pour stop to be attached to the beam.  He had to then grind off the welds that remained after he took the temporary deck pieces off so that the pour stop would sit nice and level on the beam.

Putting the pour stop into place...

...and running the string again to make sure all is lined up correctly.

More grinding on the areas where he will be putting the new welds.

Time to transport the welder - this time Jim had to drive the Bobcat around the back of the structure so that he could reach the area where he needs to weld.

Jim climbs around like he's on the ground - walks on the walls, stands on the Bobcat to get the welder all set up.

Welding time!

Pour stop all in place!

At the end of the day, we went back over to the building site to see the finished concrete.  The homeowner was there sealing the concrete.  It looked really good - completely flat and finished nicely.
High 60/Low 40

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