Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4.22.2015 - Septic System Inspection!

Our inspection for the septic system was set for bright and early at 8:00 this morning, so Jim headed out with his coffee in plenty of time to get things opened up.

The inspector showed up on time and Jim walked him through the system.  He said everything was great - basically just drew up a diagram to make sure it fit with his design for the official approval.  Jim was able to talk to him about using the risers and the lids and he said that was all fine and would work for the "locking" caps required by the plan.  That's good news - now we can put dirt on top of the tank as required but still have access to the tank without digging up grass in the future.  So...whew....another inspection done and passed!

The inspector told Jim that he needed to stop at the building inspector's office and tell him that the septic system passed.  He said that the building inspector would need to come out and inspect too.

So Jim headed there next.  The inspector wasn't in but Jim talked to his associate.  She said - he doesn't need to look at the system.  He's not an engineer and he stopped looking at them years ago.  As long as the septic designer approved it, that's all that was required.  Yay!

Later in the day, Jim received a pdf of the approval form that was sent to the building department so all is official now!

So that we can work on backfilling, Jim ordered 20 tons of sand to be delivered on Friday.  We still have had a little rain on/off so hopefully by Friday things will be dried up enough that the truck won't have any problems getting up the hill.
After lunch, Jim went and ran some errands.  He picked up his electric boxes and also bought this heavy gauge wire to make an extension cord for the 220 volts required for the welder.  Jim has lots of welding to do and up to now has just used the generator.  But this cord will allow him to run power right from the temporary post and make it more powerful for some of the heavy duty welding that will be upcoming.

Very grateful for the passed inspection - another big milestone!
High 54/Low 32

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